Medical Gases Outlet

The MS Medical Gases Outlet is the wall source for medical gases.
And it's the end of the medical piping system on the wall.

- Outlet kind: Oxygen-nitrous oxide - Air (4bar ) – Air (7bar) – vacuum … etc
- Flow rate: 160L/min
- Work pressure: from3-8hour to 4.2 bar
- Maximum work pressure: double of woke pressure
- The outlet Designed: French, British & German standard and available for:
Surface mounting
Bed head unit mounting
Ceiling pendant mounting
- The outlet has double valve (one in the socket and the other in the first)
90901896 –
AFNOR Oxygen outlet 90901897 – O2 BS Oxygen outlet 90901898 – O2 BS Oxygen outlet
90901896 – VIDE AFNOR Vacuum outlet 90901897 – VIDE BS Vacuum outlet 90901898 – VIDE BS Vacuum outlet
90901896 –
Air (4 bar)
AFNOR Air (4 bar) outlet 90901897 – Air (4 bar) BS Air (4 bar) outlet 90901898 – Air (4 bar) BS Air (4 bar) outlet
90901896 – N2O AFNOR N2O outlet 90901897 – N2O BS N2O outlet 90901898 – N2O BS N2O
90901896 –
Air (7 bar)
AFNOR Air (7 bar) outlet 90901897 – Air (7 bar) BS Air (7 bar) outlet 90901898 – Air (7 bar) BS Air (7 bar) outlet
90901896 – Nitrogen AFNOR Nitrogen outlet 90901897 – Nitrogen BS Nitrogen outlet 90901898 – Nitrogen BS Nitrogen outlet
Outlet - Ttechnical View:
1. Fixed Nut: manufactured From brass Plated from Nickel Krum and it`s function is collecting all parts of outlet.
2. Cover: manufactured From (Aluminum or Plastic ) and Have sticker which mentions the kind and the color of the gas.
3. Box: manufactured from Plastic and the main Purpose from it is Protecting all Parts of the outlet.
4. Fixed Nut: manufactured from brass. It's function is collecting the Socket Part and the First part.
5. The Socket: Manufactured from brass:
    - The second valve which contact with the prop
    - The socket is Difference From gas to another
6. Chaise: manufactured from stainless steel .main Purpose is Fixing all the outlet on the wall
7. The First: manufactured from brass and it's function is working As a main valve for the outlet when there is any Emergency case.



Socket Valve - Technical view:

5-1 O-ring: manufactured from silicon and the main purpose of it is prevent leakage between the outlet and the prop .
5-2 Body: manufactured from brass plated from nickel Krum it work as a Pass for collecting all parts of the socket valve .
5-3 O-ring: Silicon ring prevent leakage between the outlet collecting body and socket valve.
5-4 O-ring: Silicon ring : Prevent leakage in the socket valve area.
5-5 Socket valve: manufactured from brass plated with Nickel Krum work as a pusher for the spring in the socket body.
5-6 Filter: Stain lees steal filter and it be inside the socket valve
5-7 Spring: manufactured from plated steal
5-8 Fixed body: manufactured from brass plated with Nickel Krum and the main purpose of it collecting all parts of the socket inside it.


First Valve - Technical View

7-1 Body: manufactured from brass main purpose is to collect all part of first valve.
7-2 O-ring: Silicon ring to prevent leakage between first valve body and all internal parts of it.
7-3 O-ring: Silicon ring to prevent gas leakage between the pusher and the end of the valve.
7-4 First pusher: manufactured from brass plated with nickel Krum work as a pusher for the spring into the first valve body.
7-5 Spring: manufactured from plated steal.
7-6 Connecting pipe: manufactured from brass to connect the outlet with piping system.


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